Elements Litter
This litter is more than just ELEMENTary!
November 2004
Sire: CH KC's Lil Joevee Too - "Joevee"
ChriMaso's JingleBell Casino - "Belle"
Am/Can CH ChriMasos Lucky
Copper Coin - "Penny" ChriMasos
Minute Amt O'Helium - "Minute" (changed to Peanut)
CH ChriMaso & JeanE Tried Gold - "Goldie" (changed to Faith)
ChriMasos Sweet Berylium BeauT - "Bella", ChriMasos Palladium Chanteuse -
CH KC's Lil Joevee
Too |
CH Gabriel's Lil Bon
Joevee |
CH Top Shelf Sweet
Lou |
CH J And S Gabriel's
Lil Angel |
KCs Dinah Wont Your Blow |
CH Flashpoints
Justice For All |
Genteel's Dinah Shore Is Hot |
JingleBell Casino |
CH Casinos Here I
Come V Knotts |
BISS CH Yoki-En’s
Sir Andrew at Mory’s |
Casinos Madison |
Int’l CH
ChriMaso’s Ruth ala Loretta |
Alessi’s Buster Brown |
Wheezy Louise Bettencourt
to Our Past Litters